Team on the road

# on the BIKE
Michael Strasser, 32, austrian
instructor at the academical-sport-institute of vienna, austria
# finished academic studies 2013 (architecture, university vienna)
# since 2013 doctoral candidate (technical science, university vienna)
# trainer and owner
success as athlete - competition-overall-winnings:
* mürzman-extreme 2012
* balaton(iron)man triathlon 2014 (new course record!)
* austria extreme triathlon 2015
* race across russia, moskau > vladivostok (9300km, 13 days, nonstop, world record, 4er relay)
* vienna-paris 1200km/36hours (nonstop, charty-race, 3er relay)
* vienna-athens 1800km/5days/"solo"
* vienna-monaco 1300km/4days/"solo"
height/weight: 174cm/62kg/~3%

# supporter, medical attendant
Ingrid Kiselka, 24, austrian
Hello, I'm Ingrid, I'm 24 and I have 3 passions: Sports, Traveling and Mountains.
As soon as I was 16 I started to explore Europe, two years later I continued with South and Central America and couldn't stop, so now I'm at the number of 50+ traveled countries in the whole world.
Through my other passion, sports, I met Michael 1,5 years ago and found in him a person who also get called 'Freak' by his friends if talking about the sports challenges he does.
Doesn't matter if cycling 4 countries in 4 days (Austria-Slovenia-Croatia-Hungary-Austria), hiking 15.000 meters up and down in the Himalaya in 3 weeks (Langtang, Gosainkund and Annapurna Base Camp, Nepal), riding your snowboard through the freshest powder (3m of fresh snow in one week, Whistler, BC,Canada), diving at 40m with some sharks (Providencia, Colombia) or getting up at 5:30am to go for a 1h-run before school (home^^), I need to do what I love.
So as soon as Michael told me about 'Cairo2Cape' my thoughts were: "adventure and a great (charity) idea, I'm totally in!!!"
So I decided to support him and accept the challenge, 'cause together we're stronger and it's more fun!
Oh, and beside all this I'm about to finish my studies and become a doctor...which is quite useful for the project ;)

# filmmaker and photographer
Christoph Wisser, 32, austrian
Studies of theater, film and media sciences at the University of Vienna
Partakers of the Studio W3 Media Produktions GmbH 2008 to 2014
My family has always played a big role in my life, so it has also influenced me greatly in choosing my passions.
As the son of a passionate hobby athlete I early found my love of the sport.
What, in my youth, kickboxing, tennis and triathlon was for me, is Parkour & Freerunning, mountain biking and snowboarding today.
With the camera of my mother and my father's video camera, I quickly found a creative way of letting steam off. Soon there was nothing safe from my lens and I started to film my own stories. I quickly startet taking first jobs and started documenting concerts of friends and shoot music videos. On the way to independence, I could keep my passion, so I'm always looking for new, exciting projects.
In his project 'Cairo2Cape' Michael combined 2 of my great passions, thus providing not only a sporting challenge. It quickly became clear to me that I want to be a part of it.
Project selection
Team at home

# press speaker
Christoph Schnitter, B.Sc.
23, austrian
Phone: +43/660/7648833

# Oliver Spies

# Valerie Michaelis
Media & Press - texting about Michael’s progress
Holding an academic master degree in Economics & Sinology
Avid reader and lyricist in German, English and also Mandarin
First book publication in 2011: "Paul & Pauline - Changing headwind to tailwind"
Currently senior purchasing adviser
Following another passion by frequently publishing under her brand Text Rouge
The art of writing always on mind
Websites, folders and press, social media, PR and no less

# support team
Thomas Huber, Stefan Wampl, Michael Müller, Othmar Martl, Georg Vladimirov,
Bernadette Dagl, Michael Strasser, Lisi Baldia
not on the pic: Tina Ganser, Matthias Herzele