Newly appointed two-time world record champion Michael Strasser was warm-heartedly welcomed by his family, support team and fans at the Vienna International Airport on Saturday, 19th March.
Newly appointed two-time world record champion Michael Strasser was warm-heartedly welcomed by his family, support team and fans at the Vienna International Airport on Saturday, 19th March.
Michael Strasser is crossing Botswana the 7th country on his racing journey through Africa. Within the next few days he will be rolling through South Africa.
Michaelis Strasser has finished half of his world record bid to conquer Africa from Cairo to Cape Town within 38 days. He is now crossing Tanzania and is still on the run for the world record. Vienna / Lower Austria / Burgenland / Africa. “We have been following Michael half way through Africa now and watching him, we get the feeling that his will is still growing stronger from day to day.”, Ingrid Kiselka and Chris Wisser admit. Imagining that Michael is on his bike 300 – 400 kilometers per day for more than three weeks now, he already deserves highest respect. Certainly there are physical and mental side effects. “Pain is my constant companion. Still, I keep on rolling, because I know the current record holders increased the pace in the southern parts of Africa. ”, Michael Strasser states. He is not relying on the 2,5 days lead which he has already gained. After more than 6,000 kilometers he is now crossing his 5th country Tanzania. Monsoon season in Tanzania After a dry and …
Michael Strasser has already finished 4,500 kilometers and is still on track to beat the world record. After getting through Ethiopia, he is now pedaling through Kenya. Vienna / Lower Austria / Burgenland / Africa. Michal Strasser started his world record chase on 30th January this year and is still fighting more than 15 hours a day on his bike to proceed in time. After crossing Egypt and Sudan, he was confronted with steep mountain stages in Ethiopia, which is probably better known for its delicious good morning coffee beans. His earlier training in the Austrian Alps was paying off very well. 47 midday degrees are much different to the climate in middle Europe though. Until now Michael Strasser has covered 270 kilometers at 4,000 meters altitude on average per day – an extraordinary challenge, which makes it almost impossible to proceed at a high pace. Still two days ahead of schedule The progress of his project is quite impressive. Michael Strasser is still two days ahead of the current world record. “I keep on …
Michael Strasser is riding his bike more than 18 hours each day fighting difficult road conditions, gusty winds and the heat of the African savannah. Vienna / Lower Austria / Burgenland / Africa. Everybody knew the challenge to beat the world record would be strenuous. The race started more than a week ago and Michael Strasser courageously cycled through Egypt and Sudan. “The corrugations of the road surface make it almost impossible to proceed in speed. I have to slow down und accelerate repeatedly”, says Michael Strasser describing the circumstances during a short break in Sudan. Moreover, he is battling against a constant companion, strong headwinds. But his focus is on the target to finish faster than the current record holder (38 days). On the 7th race day he had already completed 2,367 kilometers (5th February, 8 pm) of his 11,500 km. In order to keep up with this pace and to withstand the huge physical struggle, he has to consume at least 15,000 calories per day. His daily menu consists of salted rice and …
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the mission is clear, i will bring this flag ´as soon as possible´ with my team back to the cape of god hope.
behind a great idea is a lot of work. without our team in the background we wouldn´t be able to manage that, they put hundreds and hundreds of hours of work into it. THANKS!
150 people celebrated with us this evening, friends, family, press and sponsors…. and now, lets go!
Follow Michael Strasser live during his Worldrecord attempt and buy your “own” section of the route.
the support car is on its way to afrika!!! from athens the ferry will soon set over to alexandria. big thanks to bernadette dangl and stefan wampl for the roadtrip. starting from vienna via hungary, serbia, bulgaria to greece >>> 1800km in 3 days
51.2 Celsius! … and 8h head-wind @ namibia route … fantastic mental training!
my last serious 3-weeks trainingscamp @ kapetown/stellenbosch
the truck left austria today and is now on the way to athens
the support car is getting ready